The school’s new catering service is provided by Edwards & Blake, caterer of choice for thousands of primary pupils across the UK.
Their menu is appetising, nutritious, balanced, and designed to encourage children to enjoy food, learn, play, and grow. Lunch is an integral part of the school day and something all children should look forward to. Edwards & Blake’s dedicated catering team ensures the dining hall is a welcoming and happy place for your child.
All menus meet the Government’s School Food Standards and the bronze Food for Life standards.
- All items on the menu are freshly cooked by our catering team in your school kitchens to ensure we’re always offering fresh and nutritious food whilst minimising salt and sugar in recipes.
- No undesirable additives or artificial trans fats are used
- Menus provide for all dietary and cultural requirements
- Suppliers adhere to all appropriate food safety standards
- The catering team is supported with skills training in fresh produce
Edwards & Blake’s dedicated dietitians work with the Chef teams to ensure our menus are nutritionally sound, shaping recipes to ensure they meet the School Food Standards and standards set by Public Health England.
Take a look at the school website for termly menu's as from September 2024. There is also a link to complete a form if you need to request a medical diet menu.