Pupils are grouped broadly according to age, need and appropriateness of peer group into different learning pathways. More information about this can be found in the curriculum section of our website.
We believe in the right for democracy and freedom of choice at Highfield Littleport this is why we have been given the choice of what we would like to name our classes. During our initial meetings students liked the theme of birds for our class names so this overarching theme was selected and students voted for the names that they would like.
The classes we have currently are:
Wrens - EYFS Pathway
Robins - Green Pathway - complex learners
Owls - Green Pathway - complex learners
Sparrows - Green Pathway
Eagles - Green Pathway
Puffins - Green Pathway
S1 - Yellow Pathway (KS3)
S2 - Green Pathway (KS3)
S3 - Green Pathway (KS3)
S4 - Green Pathway (KS3)
S5 - Yellow Pathway (KS3)
H1 - Yellow Pathway (KS4)
H2 - Green Pathway (KS4)
H3 - Yellow Pathway (KS4)