Our Health and Safety policy can be found within the policies section of our website as well as in the link below.  Please click here to view our policies.

Highfield Health and Safety Policy

Active Learning Trust Health and Safety Policy


Statement of Intent

Highfield Academies are focused on ensuring that health and safety is paramount in all areas of its activities. The school is committed to providing all who work in and for the school a safe place of work.

The school will achieve this commitment by adopting the following principles:

• To ensure all users of the school to actively seek and engage in safe working practices
• Where risks are present, to look for alternative methods or means of carrying out the task or suitable means of mitigating the risk
• To provide resources, including time, finance and competent advice, to facilitate the delivery of the school’s health and safety objectives
• To provide information, instruction, training and supervision so that all personnel are aware of their health and safety responsibilities and the hazards and risks posed by their work and working environment;
• To use legislative requirements as minimum targets for our safe working practice
• To regularly review and audit performance to maintain desired standards, to identify any potential areas of weakness and to promote continuous health and safety improvement throughout the organisation.

The Executive Head is accountable for the management of health and safety and for the implementation of the school’s health and safety policy. The practical implementation of the policy will be delegated down through the existing management structure.
Employees have a duty to protect themselves and others by working safely, co-operating with the senior management team, observing all relevant information and instructions and reporting any health and safety matters to their line managers.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic many of our policies and approaches have been amended in order to maintain the health and safety of students, staff and visitors.  These amendments can be found alongside the relevant policies on this website.

There is no expectation for bubbles or face coverings to be worn at school with effect from September 2021.  Covid infections are to be managed in the same way as respiratory infections.

As a school we have also formulated an Outbreak Management plan which will be published should the need arise.

We will notify parents, carers and appropriate visitors if any alternative plans needs to come into effect due to infectious diseases outbreaks.

Our dedicated lead responsible for Covid considerations is Yvonne Skillern (Headteacher).

Please see this link for our risk assessment and response in the event of extreme heat caused by the weather.