Physical education and Sport play a large part of life at Highfield Littleport.
Trampolining - we have a number of staff who are trained to deliver Rebound Therapy to our students. This is on a referral basis where the following needs are identified:
PE lessons
We have a highly structured PE curriculum which progressively builds knowledge and skills. Students are then encouraged to apply knowledge and skills learnt within individual and group games encouraging co-operation and participation.
Sporting Tournaments with other Special schools
Most Highfield students experience and enjoy regular swimming sessions - we are lucky enough to have use of a local swimming pool. We aspire that all of our students become happy and comfortable in the water and some will go on to become strong, confident swimmers. None of our year 6 cohort currently meet the government target (which does not make allowances for children with SEND) to "swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres, use a range of strokes effectively and perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations" - although this is something that we are working towards with dedicated swimming slots for all of our upper KS2 and KS3 students.
We are lucky enough to have a hydrotherapy pool on site to deliver specific programmes to students with physical needs.
Developmental Movement Play is a framework for understanding and supporting children's physical development in early childhood. It builds upon their natural drive to move in ways that will develop confident, expressive, skilled and happy individuals. It focusses on many kinds of learning - sensory processing and motor development to build relationships in non verbal ways. Students within the Early Years and Green pathways participate in Jabadao sessions to further enhance movement and sensory development. For more information click here.
We have adopted a specialist Yoga package and teachers lead sessions with students on the Green and lower Yellow pathway. Students develop their physical and mental health within sessions Students develop body awareness, mindfulness, strength and flexibility. Our students also have their concentration and memory enhanced through routines. Students also learn parts of the body and functions which is an excellent cross curricular skill.
Visiting Sports Coaches
We have a visiting sports coach who exposes students to a variety of different sports to widen their interest, knowledge and activity. This is run as individual lessons for our yellow pathway and upper school students.
Sports Clubs
We have a range of sports clubs open to all that run each lunchtime. Students have the option to sign up in classes.
Swimming Tuition
We employ a swimming teacher to assist with teaching of swimming for all of our Key Stage 2 and 3 students to help them work towards the National Curriculum end of year expectations. Please see the reporting tab for information on end of Year 6 outcomes.